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- Intermittent fasting: Surprising update (2018). Monique Tello
- Does Changing Behavioral Intentions Engender Behavior Change? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence (2006). Thomas L. Webb, Paschal Sheeran. Link to study
- Assessing the Robustness of Power Posing (2015). Eva Ranehill, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Susanne Leiberg, Sunhae Sul, Roberto A. Weber.
- Positive Psychology Interventions (2016). Acacia C. Parks, Liudmila Titova
- In Search of a Germ Theory Equivalent for Chronic Disease (2012). Garry Egger
- Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth (2018). Damian Carrington
- Consuming Negative News Can Make You Less Effective at Work (2015). Shawn Achor, Michelle Gielan
- Prescription Painkiller Overdoses in the US (2011). US National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
- Show Me the Science - Why Wash Your Hands? (2018). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- The True Cost Of Multi-Tasking (2012). Susan Weinschenk in psychology today
- About Chronic Diseases (NCCDPHP, 2019)
- Health and Economic Costs of Chronic Diseases (CDC, October 2019)
- Excess in the pharmaceutical industry by Marcia Angell (Canadian Medical Association, 2004).
- 5 surprising benefits of walking by Harvard Medical School
- Greater self-acceptance improves emotional well-being (2016). Srini Pillay
- How Much Is Too Much? (2020) University of California San Francisco
- Overweight and 31 diseases (2019). Pertti Mustajoki
- Indoor air quality. US Environmental Protection Agency
- Nicotine Addiction: Past and Present (2010). How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US).
- What is Lifestyle Medicine? European Lifestyle Medicine Organization
- Sleeping our way to better health and longevity (2023) The Lancet Healthy Longevity
- Obesity Prevention Source (2023). Harvard school of public health
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